22.01.2017 6:30 PM (40 minutes)
Even if the music world is often dominated by rivalry, examples of genuine friendships can certainly be found. Take Johannes Brahms and Antonín Dvořák: a pair whose friendship was free of self-interest. “That fellow has more ideas than all the rest of us. Even what he tosses into the trash could serve as a main…
22.01.2017 23h55 (60 minutes)
This documentary, directed by Maria Stodtmeier, filmed in North and South Korea, explores whether music can overcome the boundaries of a divided country. There is one figure of the two Koreas, whose outstanding biography in itself forms a bridge between both worlds: The Korean composer Isang Yun, one of the very few people acknowledged on…
: Uncaught ArgumentCountError: Too few arguments to function accentus_paging_nav(), 0 passed in /homepages/29/d41663931/htdocs/accentus2020/wp-content/themes/accentus/archive-date.php on line 54 and exactly 1 expected in /homepages/29/d41663931/htdocs/accentus2020/wp-content/themes/accentus/inc/template-tags.php:14
Stack trace:
#0 /homepages/29/d41663931/htdocs/accentus2020/wp-content/themes/accentus/archive-date.php(54): accentus_paging_nav()
#1 /homepages/29/d41663931/htdocs/accentus2020/wp-includes/template-loader.php(106): include('/homepages/29/d...')
#2 /homepages/29/d41663931/htdocs/accentus2020/wp-blog-header.php(19): require_once('/homepages/29/d...')
#3 /homepages/29/d41663931/htdocs/accentus2020/index.php(17): require('/homepages/29/d...')
#4 {main}
thrown in