“From Schein to Bach”: Concert originally planned to open the a cappella Festival dedicated to fans of vocal music at home.
Fans of a cappella music are invited to attend a virtual performance at St Thomas’s Church in the city of Leipzig starting at 8pm on 1 May. The annual a cappella Festival hosted by vocal ensemble amarcord was due to have opened on this day, marking the start of a week-long celebration in Leipzig of the art of a cappella singing. With the a cappella family now having to stay at home due to the COVID-19 pandemic, accentus music and amarcord will still be broadcasting what was planned as the opening recital live on ARTE Concert, MDR Kultur and MDR Klassik. Moreover, a recording of the concert will be broadcast on Deutschlandfunk at 9.05pm on May 10, 2020. The concert programis influenced by the history of the Thomanerchor Leipzig and comprises gems of baroque vocal music by Schein, Schütz and the Bach family performed by amarcord who are joined by Isabel Schicketanz (soprano), Heidi Maria Taubert (soprano) and Stefan Kunath (alto) as well as Sebastian Heindl (continuo organ).
Isabel Schicketanz, soprano
Heidi Maria Taubert, soprano
Stefan Kunath, alto
Wolfram Lattke, tenor
Robert Pohlers, tenor
Frank Ozimek, baritone
Daniel Knauft, bass
Holger Krause, bass
Sebastian Heindl, continuo organ
From Schein to Bach
Johann Michael Bach (1648–1694)
Sei lieber Tag willkommen
Philipp Heinrich Erlebach (1657–1714)
Wer bin ich, Herr, Herr
Liebholdt (died 1726)
Habe deine Lust an dem Herren
Johann Hermann Schein (1586–1630)
Da Jakob vollendet hatte
Ist nicht Ephraim mein teurer Sohn
Nu danket alle Gott
Israelis Brünnlein, Leipzig 1623
Johann Sebastian Bach (1685–1750)
Lobet den Herrn, alle Heiden BWV 230
Heinrich Schütz (1585–1672)
Ich weiß dass mein Erlöser lebt
Herr, auf dich traue ich
Viel werden kommen
Geistliche Chor=Music, 1648
Johann Michael Bach
Unser Leben währet siebenzig Jahr
Johann Christoph Bach (1642–1703)
Der Mensch vom Weibe geboren
Johann Sebastian Bach
Jesu, meine Freude BWV 227
A production of Accentus Music in co-production with MDR and in co-operation with ARTE Concert.